As Methodists in the Wolds Edge Circuit area, we are aiming to use our time, property and gifts in an efficient way that focuses on priorities set to grow the Kingdom of God.
As Methodists, we are aiming to respond to God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. We set ourselves some tasks for these priorities each year in the belief that, year after year, we will better serve God in this part of the world:
€ Provide worship which gives God our best and equips us as disciples in the world.
€ Enable people grow in faith and discern God's call on their lives and use their time and abilities to serve Him.
€ Implement a way of being a church where 'all are needed and all have something to offer' in serving God.
€ Make new followers of Jesus Christ.
07984 019995
FAO Bridge Circuit
Yorkshire North & East District Office,
28 The Green, Acomb,
York, YO26 5LR