Car park (with direct access into premises) with disabled parking spaces
Harrogate to Pateley Bridge bus stops outside
Accessibility information
Wheelchair access via lift to first floor.
Hearing loop to worship area.
Large print hymn books available.
Morning service at 10-30am with service at Glasshouses Church on alternate weeks (or as shown on the notice board in the car park)
Being located in a holiday area visitors are given a very warm welcome to our traditional type service and both their dogs and children are always made most welcome.
Other activities
Monday – Knit and Natter 1-30pm
Tuesday Coffee Morning 10 – 12pm
Tuesday Afternoon- Table tennis.
Tuesday Afternoon- Click & Connect – computer help for older people.
Wednesday: Luncheon club once a month.
The premises are suitable for conferences and concerts etc and have excellent catering facilities with a dumb waiter from the kitchen and a servery in the first floor lounge.