We are a family of people worshiping at 3 churches around the Bridlington area atSewerby,St. John's Burlington, and Flamborough. Many of our Churches have been in existence for several decades or even date back over one hundred years. However, our commitment is to the future, to tell the good news of Jesus and to call people to faith in Jesus Christ, that 'All need to be saved. All may be saved. All may know themselves saved. All may be saved to the uttermost.'
The Bridlington Circuit has a mixture of rural and town churches. Each of the churches engages in worship, learning and caring, service and evangelism in ways that reflect Methodist tradition and their distinctive identity, history and context. The circuit is served by a Superintendent, a Minister, and local preachers.
We aim to make known the love of God in Jesus Christ:
Minister- Revd Nic Bentley
07984 019995
FAO Bridge Circuit
Yorkshire North & East District Office,
28 The Green, Acomb,
York, YO26 5LR